Superhero Netflix series “The Umbrella Academy” centers around seven adopted siblings. It was based on a limited comic book series under the same name, written by Gerard Way, illustrated by Gabriel Bá and published by Dark Horse Comics. Season one begins with 43 women who previously showed no signs of […]
Tag: Netflix Series
‘You’ reignites bingeworthy status halfway through fourth season
I think it is safe to say that season four of the hit show “You” was disappointing. On March 9, the second half of the season was released with minimal hype. While starting it, I was fully prepared to go into this review giving it two stars maximum and honestly […]
‘You’ loses steam in fourth season
The hit Netflix series “You” released the first part of its fourth season last Thursday, Feb. 9. Viewers were skeptical about this season, because where could we possibly go from here without our beloved Love Quinn, played by the amazing Victoria Pedretti. This season, we follow Jonathan Moore, an alias […]
‘Wednesday’ is kooky and spooky
Netflix’s new series, “Wednesday,” is a Tim Burton spin off of the creepy, kooky family we all know and love, “The Addams Family.” This show focuses on Wednesday, the deadpan daughter of Morticia and Gomez Addams. In this spin off, Jenna Ortega stars as the mysterious juvenile known as Wednesday […]
“Blockbuster” struggles against season length constraints
The first season of Netflix’s new sitcom “Blockbuster” premiered on Friday, Nov. 3 to mixed reviews. With the same vibes as its NBC predecessors, the show tries too hard to stick to the sitcom blueprint without following through with the charm and heart that viewers expect. In the pilot, Timmy […]
New Cowboy Bebop remake takes two steps forward, three steps back
Photo courtesy of Adam Chu's Tumblr, Wiki. From the brilliantly defined cast of characters to the lively world-building, there’s a lot to love about “Cowboy Bebop.” However, the live-action adaptation fails to properly translate any of these aspects from the original anime. Netflix’s live-action adaptation of the seminal 1998 anime “Cowboy […]
One Day at a Time tackles timely issues in new season
Photo courtesy of WP:NFCC#4, Wikipedia Fans of Netflix’s sitcom “One Day At A Time” have been raving that the new season is the best one yet. Season 3 debuted earlier this month on Feb. 8, leaving viewers already demanding season 4. The reboot of the 1975 sitcom centers on a […]
Umbrella Academy actors shine against clichéd writing
Photo courtesy of Dark Horse Productions, Wikipedia “The Umbrella Academy” is the newest web television adaptation to hit Netflix based on the popular comic book seires by Gerard Way (also known as the lead singer of “My Chemical Romance”) and Gabriel Ba. It follows a family of dysfunctional superheroes who […]
Netflix’s ‘You’ invites social media discussion of characters
Photo courtesy of Lifetime, Wikipedia Netflix’s “You” was this past fall’s blockbuster series. Centered on the character Joe Goldberg’s (Penn Badgley) obsession on Guinevere Beck (Elizabeth Lail), “You” had it all – it was thrilling, suspenseful and eerie. The most off-putting aspect of “You” is not Joe stalking Beck, but […]