THE WEEKLY GRIND: Busy Birthday Month

October is a busy month for us. The news is in full swing, classes are picking up steam and the fall weather is so tempting (read: distracting). And plus, October is packed with birthdays here at The Ramapo News!

No one has had the misfortune (just yet) of having their birthday on Wednesday, our production night, and having to work all night instead of having a party or enjoying the night. But, nevertheless, we try to make staff birthdays a special occasion when they come around, if not just to switch things up around here from time to time.

As a special treat, the person celebrating his or her birthday gets to choose where we order dinner from for the week. Despite how it sounds, this is a bigger deal than you may think, because pleasing 12 different editors is no small task. (Usually, we can never please everyone!)

We kicked off October with our Sports Editor Mike's birthday on the 15th and followed that quickly with Photo Editor Steve's special day on the 19th. This week is dedicated to our Viewpoints Editor Julia–her 22nd birthday was on the 27th, so this Wednesday is hers.

November is a barren month in terms of birthdays, so we're enjoying this week while it lasts!

Want to celebrate the birthday month with us? Find our editors on Twitter; we have a list of our staff members compiled for your convenience. Give us a shout out! 

That's all the news for now-Nicole