PRO New year, new me! We’ve all heard this saying tossed around during the month of January to showcase our new outlook on life at the start of a new year. As cliche as it sounds, I find it to be a comforting sentiment of new beginnings. With the […]
A Christmas Quarrel: Students debate real or fake trees
REAL Christmas is right around the corner which means you’re probably getting ready for the big addition to the house — your Christmas tree. There are so many options to choose from: a green plastic tree with white lights, one with multicolored lights or perhaps a white plastic tree that […]
Lone wolf or part of the pack: Students debate group work
PRO In every level of my education, group projects have been a regular part of each of my classes. Teachers and professors gathered up unlikely groups of students to work together, divvying out responsibilities to create a cohesive project. Group projects have received a bad reputation for that very […]
Raining cats and dogs: Students debate the better household pet
DOGS Have you ever wondered why dogs are called “man’s best friend,” but cats have nothing like that? Or why the percentage of households in the U.S. that own dogs (45.5%) is higher than those who own cats (32.1%)? Well don’t worry, I’m here to solve those inner qualms you […]
Conversations over breakfast: Jersey students debate Taylor Ham or Pork Roll
Pork Roll As a New Jersey resident, the dispute over Pork Roll, or as some wrongly name it, Taylor Ham, is very familiar. The debate on the name of this popular Jersey pork product is often split by North Jerseyans and South Jerseyans. As a South Jerseyan, I feel […]
Canceled: Students debate the principles of cancel culture
PRO Notes app apologies, scripted videos with fake tears and deleted accounts are all the usual signs of “cancel culture” at work across the internet. Whether it be old insensitive social media posts resurfacing, or a recent joke in poor taste, it seems no one is safe from the […]
Competition or quality: Students debate the grading system
QUALITY I’d like to preface my argument by stating that I do not believe that anyone should fail a class despite handing in work. However, I do believe that our current class system has gone too far away from the traditional grading system, and that grades should be based on […]
Break from reality: Students debate reality television
PRO It seems every couple of months a new reality television show graces our beloved streaming platforms, capturing the attention of millions of viewers. Nearly 80% of adult television viewers watch some form of reality program. For decades, reality shows have only grown in popularity; “Survivor” has only increased in […]
Celebrity influence: Students debate impressions on youth
PRO As younger generations grow, the media continues to progress. With the internet’s rapid succession now inescapable, you can find a wide variety of information on any celebrity of any status or age. This wide exposure proves challenging to manage, with thousands — even millions — commenting on every […]
Chappel Roan’s cry for privacy is met with backlash
As long as we have celebrities, we will have celebrity idolization that comes along with it. These performers and artists are put on pedestals and judged for everything they do, no matter how small it may be. This idolization has quickly swept up rising popstar Chappell Roan and she’s not […]