Popularity of Drug ‘Molly’ on the Rise Among Young People

Have you been out and had a random person come up to you and say “Hey, do you know Molly?” If you have, chances are they were not talking about an actual person; it is a desecrate way of people trying to find the drug MDMA, better know by its street names “Molly” or “ecstasy.”

The name “Molly” is short for molecular, which is the pure crystalline form of MDMA. It’s not a new drug, the form Molly has just been the choice party drug more recently this year.

MDMA is known as a party or club drug. It’s known to give a feel good party high that will keep you going in that type of environment and is easily available if you simply ask the right person if they “know Molly.”

The drug is taken most commonly in a pill form. Since it’s taken as a pill, it usually takes about 30 to 45 minutes for the drug to enter the bloodstream and for the user to feel the high.

People ingest the drug “to have a good time,” said Ramapo student Stephanie Encarnacion.

The drug gives off a hyper high that results in the loss of perception to most, which is why many prefer it in a club environment, but the high varies for everyone.

The drug raises body temperature, blood pressure and heart rate. Other not-so-pleasant effects of the drug can include cold sweats, chills, nausea, anxiety, blurred vision, muscle tension and depression.

The drug craze has recently taking over music festivals and colleges. Many young people have taken the drug not thinking much of it and died unexpectedly.

“I think it’s the most dangerous drugs to take, people think nothing bad will happen to them and that’s the problem,” said student Amber Updike.

The biggest danger about the drug is that people don’t realize some of the symptoms. According to Drugabuse.gov, sensations are heightened but so is the body’s temperature, which people on the drug won’t feel. Because of this, many people overheat, basically internally cooking themselves causing kidney and heart failure. According to Fox News, the emergency room visits due to MDMA have made a 123 percent increase since 2004.

The dangers of the drug really began to circulate after the famous annual “Electric Zoo” incidents in September. Jeffrey Russ, 23, and Olivia Rotondo, 20, both of Rhode Island, overheated, collapsed and later died of what toxicology reports say were overdoses of pure MDMA. The third day of the festival and similar festivals scheduled after were canceled because of the heavy use of the drug.

The drug usually sells for about $20 to $30 per gram, which is fairly inexpensive for a drug, probably sparking its popularity.

Many feel the drug has gotten out of hand, but there are still the few who search for it in order to get the ultimate party high. So next time someone asks you about Molly, just know they’re not talking about a person.
