Paul Juelis, a sophomore at Ramapo, recently created Ramapo Nature, an Instagram account that exclusively showcases the nature and wildlife on Ramapo College's campus.
The Instagram account allows anyone, including Ramapo students, staff or faculty, to follow the account and send in their personal photo or video submissions through direct message.
The Ramapo Nature Instagram profile reads: "Giving you pictures of all Ramapo College's wildlife and nature."
The account truly does just that, featuring photographs of plants, animals and any other beautiful aspects of nature found on campus.
"I decided to create the Ramapo Nature account because I already had so many pictures of the wildlife and nature on my personal Instagram account," said Juelis. "My friend had given me the idea of creating an account just dedicated to Ramapo's nature and wildlife."
The Ramapo Nature account has been up for two weeks and currently has 16 posts, including one video, and 53 followers.
"I've gotten a good amount of submissions from people so far, but they're all from my close friends. Not many people know about the account, but I do welcome all submissions from any Ramapo student," said Juelis. "I hope this account keeps getting bigger and bigger so that way more students can have a greater appreciation for the beauty of Ramapo's campus."
The pictures on the Instagram account range from the rare bear sighting on campus to the countless deer that students come across often.
Aside from animals, the account boasts beautiful pictures of the nature on Ramapo's campus. The Ramapo Nature account is public, so it allows anyone to see the campus during any season all on one profile, including those who do not currently attend Ramapo like incoming freshmen, transfer students or high school students and have not yet had a chance to experience the campus during all types of weather.
"I have never heard of the account, but I think it is a good idea and a good way to get peoples' attention," said Laura Ackerman, a senior. "I will follow it."
The account could help get the attention of those who are thinking about coming to Ramapo and want to see the campus quickly and easily.
"Everyone's on Instagram, especially people our age, which makes up the majority of the students here at Ramapo, so I definitely think this account is a good idea," said junior Gina DiNiro.