Spanish Fiesta Draws Crowd for Food, Prizes

Last Friday, the Bischoff Hall and College Park Apartment RAs, A.L.M.A. and The Health Awareness Team hosted an event called Siete De Marzo, a Spanish-themed party that gave students a fun way to mix up their Friday night dinner.

One of the main appeals of the event was the food. At the tables, RAs served the students tacos, pizza, cookies and churros. The hosts wore fake mustaches and sombreros to complete the theme.

Laid out were many different ingredients to spice up the tacos, letting students make exactly what they wanted. The line for food stretched long and was full of excited students ready to enjoy their Spanish meal.

“There was a lot more food than I expected,” said freshman Shannon Myers.

The food was not the only thing that drew students to Siete De Marzo–prizes were also given out. Before students entered the event, they received a ticket that gave them the chance to win prizes such as headphones, a Kindle, gift cards and a television.

“There was no way I would pass up free food and possibly winning a TV,” said sophomore John Barnet.

While the students ate and waited for the winners of the prizes to be announced, the hosts had other activities going on to pass the time. The hosts set up games such as whack-the-piñata and encouraged students to dance to the music.

Students were happy to oblige and seemed to be enjoying the activities as they waited for the winners to be called out. Many students kept their focus on the stage, hoping to win one of the big prizes of the night.

The turnout for the event was very large. Many students attended the event, filling all of the tables and creating lines for the food and activities.

“We are very happy with the amount of students who showed up,” Kevin Demaio, a junior and host of the event, said. “Sometimes it’s difficult getting students to come to events.”