Greeks Get Inspired by Influential Sororal Women

Greek life adviser Stephanie Hernandez hosted a conversation with students about influential sororal women and their place in the past, present and future, as a part of Women's Herstory Month in the York Room on Tuesday.

Hernandez turned her presentation into a discussion, asking students to mix together to form smaller, intimate circles and talk about topics amongst their peers.

"When you think influential sorority woman, what comes to mind?" Hernandez asked.

The students described the woman as a great leader and a role model, as well as somebody who makes an impact on society, is loyal, and is confident.

Hernandez later asked the audience, "How do you feel that you are an influential member to the campus community, as well as in your sorority?"

"Co-sponsoring with other groups on campus who are Greek and non-Greek," said Genna Turci, a senior and member of Alpha Omicron Pi.

Hernandez agreed and went on to stress the importance of women in sororities on campus standing up and getting involved in order to eliminate the stereotype of competition amongst different sororities while increasing a feeling of unity between those sororities.

In the second half of her presentation, Hernandez discussed the impact of historically recognized women who were in sororities, such as Civil Rights activist Rosa Parks and popular poet Maya Angelou. Both women were a part of the first Historical African American sorority, Alpha Kappa Alpha.

She also spoke of women involved in sororities who are involved in politics and the media, such as Jennifer Dunn and Joan Rivers.

"If you're not sitting at the table, you're on the menu," said Hernandez, explaining that if women do not fight for their rights to be seen as equal to men, they will be overlooked and taken advantage of in society.

Hernandez closed the presentation by inviting the women in attendance to strive to be influential sorority women in all aspects by reflecting on those who came before us, and keeping the values and morals of our role models relevant to our everyday lives.

Hernandez's presentation, like many other Women's Herstory Month events, exemplified the hard work of various women to become successful, especially in the sorority setting, which continues to endure a fair amount of criticism and scrutiny.

"It really gave me perspective. As sorority women, we have the ability to influence so many different types of people," said Molly Hopkins, a junior and member of Alpha Omicron Pi.

Lindsay Hillman, a freshman and new member of Alpha Omicron Pi agreed that the event inspired her to use her membership in a sorority to become successful.

"I found this event very inspirational," said Hillman. "As a new member, I hope to become half as successful in my journey as a sorority woman!"  

"I loved the talk, because I felt that it was extremely empowering to hear about so many of our panhellenic sisters and the great things they have accomplished," said Jillian Cener, president of Alpha Omicron Pi. "It made me want to strive even harder to be a role model for my chapter."