Ramapo College students traveled to seven different national and international locations last week on Alternative Break volunteer service trips. The Alternative Break program is coordinated by the Civic and Community Engagement Center.
This year’s trips included excursions to Heifer Project’s Overlook Farm in Rutland, Mass.; Sandy Relief Project with World Cares in Staten Island, N.Y.; Habitat for Humanity in Asheville, N.C.; The Ghost Ranch in Albuquerque and Abiquiu, N.M.; Lower Nine in New Orleans, La.; the DREAM Project in Caberete, Dominican Republic; and El Manatial Macaw Reservation in Aranjuez, Costa Rica.
Did you participate in an Alt. Break service trip? Send us your photos to be featured in Thursday’s print issue. Email us at photo.rcnjnews@gmail.com with your shots, photo credits and information!