Being part of any type of honor society is usually seen as a great opportunity. There are many things taken into consideration when a student is invited to one, such as their scholastic rank in their class and the student’s grade point average.
As a college student, it is very important to get your work done, to keep your grades up and conserve your money. Honor societies can be expensive, so students should investigate what it will cost them before joining. If a student is invited or attempting to join an honor society there are many things he or she should consider to see if it is completely worth it.
“I joined an honors society at school, it didn’t cost very much money, but they all differ in price,” said junior Stephen Campbell.
A huge factor in deciding whether or not to join an honor society is knowing if it’s worth your money. Some of them can cost as low as $40, but others may cost you hundreds depending on its type and benefits. Many of them try not to go out of the budget of a college student, so people are more inclined to join.
Another thing students should consider about honor societies is if they have the time to contribute to it. For example, students who have a job and get invited to one are sometimes faced with choosing one or the other. Before a student joins an honor society, they should look into if it’s worth giving up the time for it.
“I considered joining one when I went to Temple, but I never had enough time or money to do so,” said sophomore Cory Raab.
A main reason why honor societies look so appealing are that they are beneficial to your resume. However, honor societies also offer great opportunities for students and can benefit more than just your resume. Some of these advantages consist of international studies programs, networking with other students, scholarships to lower your financial stress and many other perks.
Tracey Harrsch, a senior, said, “I joined Sigma Iota Rho and National Society of Collegiate Scholars because it benefits me in college and in the future on my resume.”
Not all honor societies are worth joining and can end up hurting a student instead of advancing them. Students should always consider how much a certain honor society is going to benefit their specific schedule and needs. If an honor society does not have a good reputation, it may not do much for your resume. That being said, societies that are difficult to get into are always a great thing to have on your resume, especially when looking for a job after graduation.
When applying for a job after college, your resume is closely evaluated, and having an honor society that has a great reputation on there could end up helping you in the long run. There is an honor society out there for most students, but the key is choosing the right one for you.