In Other News: Week of Nov. 8 on campus

Safer Sex Kiosk

The Women’s Center and LGBTQ+ Services partnered with the Wellness Is Now Peers to host a Safer Sex Kiosk in the Fishbowl on Nov. 9. The table was packed with resources, including dental dams, personal lubricant and an array of condoms designed for oral and penetrative sex. There were also informational pamphlets on topics related to sexual health, such as how to identify and respond to sexually transmitted infections. The kiosk was an educational endeavor designed to raise awareness of the resources offered by the host organizations, such as the free pregnancy tests and safer sex supplies the Women’s Center has available all year.

Student Marketing & Program Coordinator Ariana Ramirez helped run the table. “I feel like this event was a really good way to promote safer sex for students at Ramapo… It’s a way to get the word out there that the Women’s Center & LGBTQ+ Services, as well as Wellness Is Now Peers, are here to support the community,” she said.

– Danielle Bongiovanni


Ramapo L.E.A.D. Fall Festival

Ramapo L.E.A.D hosted its third annual Fall Festival in the Trustees Pavilion on Nov. 11. The event had activities like face painting, canvas painting and bingo, all coordinated by Ramapo L.E.A.D, which stands for leadership, education and awareness for disabilities, and was assisted by student volunteers.

“Our goal is to just advocate for the disabled community of northern New Jersey and at Ramapo through social events and networking,” said junior Katie Perucki who is co-president of L.E.A.D with graduate student Gillian Miller.

The event invited students and members of the Ramapo community with disabilities to celebrate the fall season. 

“It’s an event to get the kids and young adults together to mingle with each other, the e-board and the volunteers,” said Miller.

– Jessica Hammer


Diwali Celebration

On Nov. 13, the International Student Organization teamed up with the Center for Student Involvement, the Roukema Center for International Education and the Civic & Community Engagement Center to celebrate the South Asian Festival of Lights, Diwali. Friends Hall was decked out with colorful decorations, music and food catered from the Indian restaurant, Tandoori Bites, as students, faculty and staff filled the hall to join the celebration. The NAACH dance troupe performed South Asian dances for the crowd before getting attendees in on the fun by teaching them some dance moves.

“It’s a very special day, not only for one particular community… it’s for everyone,” Dr. Gurvinder Khaneja, director of institutional research, said in the opening remarks.

She then took a moment to recognize Asha Mehta, who formerly was a student advisor at Ramapo and passed away last year, for her efforts in starting the Diwali celebration at Ramapo many years ago.

“She was the one who showed us the path, and we’re just trying to keep her legacy going,” Khaneja said.

— Rebecca Gathercole


Featured photo by Rebecca Gathercole