Season three of ‘Is It Cake?’ is full of fierce competition and sweet treats

Looking for something sweet to watch with springtime weather rolling in? Season three of “Is It Cake?” is the next top show to watch. Released on March 29, the comedic baking show brings us back to a world full of suspense and fun, while also satisfying the cravings for a sweet treat.

This season featured eight contestants who were professional and at-home bakers and artists all trying to show off their skills. Baking items and making them as realistic as possible is the name of the game and gives the contestants a challenge to step outside of their comfort zone.

Every episode provides the contestants with a different theme and objects to make, and then they are off to bake. When the time runs out, contestants put their cakes to the test with judges by comparing their cakes against the real item to see if it is realistic enough. 

Each episode is broken down into the contestants finding the cake items within the studio to be chosen to bake for that theme, then it’s time for judging. All of the contestants are on their own and push themselves to create a cake as realistic as possible as they face elimination.

Themes of the cakes include food like pizza, wings, lasagna and lamb as well as summer items like a water gun, water floatie and slides. Each cake is tested beside the real item and searched for any mistakes or imperfections that may give away that it’s cake.

As each competition votes out one contestant for their cake being discovered amongst the real items, the final bake inches closer, and those who have fooled the judges are left. Once there are three bakers left, they are set to partner up and make their best cakes yet to win the ultimate prize of the show.

With their cake being their choice, contestants can create whatever they want from a toy box to a peacock to a water pump, and the bakers face off for their final test. Combining their mastery to create even the smallest details and their long journey in creating all different cakes, the bakers end the season on a high note.

In the end, I believe Henderson Gonzalez did deserve his victory. Through every competition, Gonzalez upped his game, combining more details and making it increasingly realistic. From starting with a Tiki drink to ending with a toy box, he deserved the $15,000 prize.

As a baker myself, this show has been a long-time favorite. The act of making something out of cake to look realistic is so fascinating that I want to try it myself. Watching this show made me want to dust off my bowls and mixer and make a cake like I saw on the show.

Every episode is fun and full of jokes and laughter making you forget you are watching a baking show. The contestants are all amazing bakers and showcase their creativity and skills through baking realistic cakes.

What makes this show so perfect for spring and such an enjoyable experience is the commentary of the show in addition to the premise. It is so light, fun and entertaining. Throughout this season, I played the game myself to see if I could find the cake item, but I failed at every attempt.


5/5 stars


Featured photo courtesy of @duchessofcameron, Instagram