Trunk or Treat connects campus to community

Ramapo’s tennis court parking lot was buzzing with excitement as clubs, campus organizations and Greek life got in the Halloween spirit for the seventh annual Trunk or Treat by dressing up and decking out their cars to hand out candy to local children. The event on Thursday was sponsored by […]

Charlie Puth wobbles in new album

After four years full of singles and TikTok videos, pop singer-songwriter Charlie Puth released his third album “CHARLIE” on Friday, Oct. 7. The album shows off his creativity and music production skills, but lyrically it lacks the depth that would make it truly shine. Since the start of his career, […]

‘Blonde’ bombs due to director’s bravado

When you hear that there’s a new movie about Marilyn Monroe, you’d probably expect it to be a biopic. That wouldn’t be an unreasonable guess given the popularity of biopics in recent years. Netflix’s new film “Blonde,” released on Sept. 28, is not a biopic though. It’s a fictionalized account […]