
Did You Ever Know That You’re My Hero

Dear Editor: Benjamin Franklin once said, “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” My involvement in the Ramapo News was spurred by the effort of my editing mentor, Danielle Reed. Rebecca and I would like to thank you for all of […]

Editorial: CISPA Puts Our Privacy at Stake

Our government is at it again, now with the House having approved CISPA. CISPA, or the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, proposes to allow private companies and our beloved government to share information during a cyber attack. Sure, cyber attacks aren't fun, but a lot of the groups backing […]


You’d think journalists would be good with change-having to report and write stories at the last minute, deal with breaking events, make split-second decisions and adapt to the 24/7 news cycle. You’d think we would be good with transitions and flexibility, but you’d be wrong. As journalists, we’re sticklers for […]

“Thinspiration” Can Be Dangerous and Unhealthy

For those of you familiar with the blogging world, specifically my female readers, you may recognize the trending terms “fitspo” and “thinspo.” Such blogs fitting under these categories are comprised of different photograph collages of thin celebrities, fitness encouragements, healthy foods, diet plans and more along those lines. As someone […]

The Need for Nationwide Marijuana Reform

Nationwide support for marijuana legalization has increased dramatically over the past few years, especially in the previous few months since the passing of pro-pot ballot incentives in Colorado and Washington last November. According to a poll conducted in mid-March by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, […]

THE WEEKLY GRIND: Reporter (and Ramapo) Pride

I have days when I question my chosen career path. I’m sure most of us do. There are times when I wonder why I decided to pursue journalism-when getting the story is so stressful, finding sources is so aggravating, or solving a coverage problem is so difficult that I want […]

Residence Director Clarifies Housing Points Section

In response to the editorial, "Campus Engagement Point Housing System Disengages Students," this letter will attempt to clarify several facts about the housing selection process.   Specifically, students are guaranteed housing on campus (as long as they have remained in housing since their first year) and may select their roommates.  Regardless […]

Associate Director of CSI Congratulates Ramapo Students

I am writing to congratulate the students of Ramapo on an incredible three days of programming and involvement on our campus. The Dancing with the Staff, Relay for Life and Spring Concert events on April 4th, 5th, and 6th created a string of opportunities for the Ramapo Community to be involved at […]

Freshman 15 Due to Scant Dining Options

College freshmen are constantly admonished about drinking too much, partying too much, and now, even eating too much. The commonly used expression “freshman 15” refers to the weight gained by a first year student during his or her first year in college. While obesity in America is a growing social […]

THE WEEKLY GRIND: Connect with Us!

Our generation would be lost without social media. How else would we be able to keep in touch with our old friends, procrastinate doing our homework, or waste time in class? But when Facebook and Twitter were introduced to (older) journalists, it took a lot of getting used to. The […]