Tag: CA$H Corner

Christie Signs NJTEAM Act

On March 23, 2015, Governor Chris Christie signed Senate Bill A3967 into law. This bill, known as the New Jersey Tuition Equality for America's Military (NJTEAM) Act, will allow all U.S. veterans to pay in-state tuition rates for colleges and universities in New Jersey, independent of their state of permanent residence. According […]

Christie Cuts Funding for Higher Education

On Tuesday Feb. 24, 2015, Gov. Chris Christie delivered his annual State of the Budget Address, which provided a summary of the state’s budget for the upcoming fiscal year. This budget directly affects us as Ramapo College students, since Ramapo receives funding from the state. In this issue, we will […]

Higher Education Act up for Reauthorization

With the upcoming reauthorization of the Higher Education Act, Lamar Alexander, the chair of the U.S. Senate Higher Education Committee, stated that he hopes to make significant amendments to this piece of legislation. In particular, Alexander plans to simplify and deregulate higher education in this new edition. Last reauthorized in […]

Obama Proposes Plan for Free Community College

The Student Government Association’s College Advocates Supporting Higher Education (CA$H) Committee raises awareness about higher education issues that directly impact us all, especially those that affect our tuition. Every other week we’ll discuss a different issue facing higher education. President Barack Obama recently proposed a plan to offer free community […]

Tuition Increase Debate Spans Nation

The Student Government Association’s College Advocates Supporting Higher Education (CA$H) Committee raises awareness about higher education issues that directly impact us all, especially those that affect our tuition. Every other week, we’ll discuss a different issue facing higher education. This week, we will highlight ongoing debates regarding tuition increases in […]