Tag: Democrat

School forces student to remove MAGA clothing

Photo courtesy of Gage Skidmore, Wikipedia Freshman student Ciretta Mackenzie at Epping High School in Epping, New Hampshire, was forced to remove her MAGA attire because it goes against the school’s dress code. She said she felt ashamed and embarrassed that the principal asked her to remove her attire. She […]

Trump bans transgender people from serving in military

Photo courtesy of Shealah Craighead, Wikipedia President Trump has reversed one of the Obama’s administration’s policy that allowed transgender military personnel to openly serve while having access to mental health and medical care. The policy, which was implemented on April 12, is in essence, an updated “don’t ask, don’t tell” […]

Fox may be manipulating the thoughts of viewers

Photo courtesy of Gage Skidmore, Wikipedia Fox News has a huge influence over the thoughts and beliefs that surround many conservative or conservative-leaning Americans. The network is one that has close ties with President Donald Trump and his administration. According to an article in the March 11 issue of the […]

Eric Porterfield should resign for homophobic comments

Photo courtesy of West Virginia Legislature A West Virginia Republican state lawmaker is facing bipartisan backlash after comparing LGBTQ+ people to the Ku Klux Klan in a recent interview.  In the interview, Eric Porterfield claimed the LGBTQ+ community has “persecuted” him because of comments he has made in the past […]

Ilhan Omar faces backlash from anti-Israel tweets

Photo courtesy of Kirstie Boyd, Wikipedia Freshman Congresswoman Ilhan Omar has caught herself in some hot water the past few weeks, angering some who felt she showed signs of anti-Semitic views in tweets that she sent out. She has been making comments about President Trump and other politicians’ views when […]

Virginia leadership faces backlash for controversies

Photo courtesy of Craig, Flickr Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam has been under fire recently after a controversial picture of a person wearing blackface that appeared on his biography page in his medical school’s yearbook page was discovered. Th person in blackface was standing next to another person who was dressed […]