Tag: First Amendment

Jewish people want to worship in peace

Photo courtesy of CTO Henry, Wikipedia Judaism: A religion, a culture, a way of life. Shooting: A way to end a life. When people ask what Judaism means to me, I answer, “It is my religion, culture, way of life and most importantly, a way to express myself.” The First […]

Free speech versus hate speech still up for debate

Photo courtesy of U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, Wikipedia The most revered and cherished law within the free world is found in the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. The allowance of free speech and our complete autonomy over what we are allowed to say and share is the […]

Student: ‘Kim Davis is no victim of religious persecution’

Photo Courtesy of Carter County Detention Center, Wikimedia Commons Over the past few weeks, a woman who once held no social importance ascended to national prominence, and not for something that should be deemed virtuous. Believe it or not, celebritizing individuals is seldom uncommon in American culture, whether it be […]