I didn’t know what to expect from “She Said” going into it. I had only seen one Instagram advertisement, edited to fit the thriller genre, when I made the decision to see it in theaters. What I got out of those two hours and nine minutes was a slow-burn thriller […]
Tag: MeToo
Victims of assault are demanding more from those in power
Photo courtesy of PhilMurphy, Flickr In the age of #MeToo, after hearing the stories of the many courageous women who have shared their experiences of sexual harassment and abuse, we would hope that lawmakers and people in power would address these issues differently. Yet it still seems as though more […]
Clinton rejects Lewinsky scandal as abuse of power
Photo courtesy of United States Department of State, Wikpedia In an interview with CBS this past Sunday, Hillary Clinton outraged many supporters of the #MeToo movement. When asked by CBS correspondent Tony Dokoupil if her husband Bill Clinton’s past affair with Monica Lewinsky was an abuse of power, she told […]
Tennessee school official on leave following sexist video
Graphic by Olivia Mendez, The Ramapo News Graphic Department A Tennessee high school official was placed on administrative leave last week after he posted a sexist video online targeted towards young girls. Jared Hensley, who is the athletic director and assistant principal at Soddy-Daisy high school, created a video for […]
J.K. Stein shares abusive relationship in The Director
Photo courtesy of J.K. Stein Consent is something people like to think of as black and white. In the era of #MeToo and #TimesUp, where sexual assault and harassment in the workplace have been brought to the forefront of people’s attention for people to seek and receive justice, there are […]
The #MeToo trend unites women against sexual assault
Photo courtesy of Tom Sorensen, Wikipedia During the peak of the Harvey Weinstein allegations, actress Alyssa Milano tweeted, “If you’ve been sexually harassed or assaulted write ‘me too’ as a reply to this tweet.” This eventually turned into #MeToo, and it spread like wildfire across social media, accumulating 150,000 tweets […]