This past weekend, Hurricane Sandy stormed through the tri-state area, downing trees, flooding streets, ruining beaches and leaving millions without power. Though Sandy has made a relatively quick retreat, we are all now left to pick up the pieces-literally.
While we may be quick to joke about Hurricane Sandy canceling classes and giving us all another week to study for exams, finish papers, and sleep in past noon, we should instead be directing our appreciation and kudos to everyone at the College who have been working throughout the now week-long crisis while we have been lounging around in our pajamas.
We applaud the College's continual dedication to its students, but we would especially like to recognize the hardworking administration and staff during this emergency. Compared to a lot of other places, like the Jersey coast or New York City, we have it made.
We are lucky to have power, Internet access, phone service, running water and heat. Our dorms are dry and our pathways are clear. We have food service readily available and a place to purchase any essentials that may have run out.
We have all of these luxuries because of the College's emergency plans that were coordinated with the students' safety and comfort in mind.
Even while Sandy raged on, Dining Services opened the Birch Tree Inn for most of the day to serve us hot meals. Residence Life helped prepare students for the storm and sent the campus community frequent updates using e-mail and posters. Public Safety patrolled the Laurel, Linden and Pine quad when those buildings lost power for two hours. President Mercer and his wife braved the rain and wind to check on residents in the Student Center and offer their personal assistance to anyone in need.
On behalf of our fellow students, "The Ramapo News" would like to thank the College's diligent administration and dedicated staff, who repeatedly put the needs of the student body first.