After enjoying a smorgasbord for an Easter Sunday dinner, I had one thing on my mind, and it wasn’t what piece of candy to enjoy from my Easter basket–it was the third season premiere of “Game of Thrones.” “Game of Thrones” and “The Walking Dead” were both airing at 9 p.m., but it wasn’t too hard to decide which show to tune into.
I believe the first episode had every element a premiere should have, but it still lacked something. Some Ramapo students agreed that the episode underwhelmed when it came to picking up where season two left off.
“The first episode wasn’t what I really expected it to be,” senior Garrett Gouveia said. “It tried too hard to focus on a majority of the characters without delving into the story lines too much. Don’t me wrong though, I enjoyed the episode, but it wasn’t very striking; I’ll have forgotten it by next episode.”
There was a lot of jumping around for a first episode, and I felt as if it moved too fast and too slow at the same time. Updates are great, but I believe it would have been more compelling if each character had been given an equal amount of time for their character advancement.
“It was a little boring for the season premiere. I feel like the premiere is a good way to grab peoples’ attention and start the season right, but not much really happened in this episode, and I was a little disappointed,” senior Garrett McConville said.
Senior Jon Henry is an avid reader of the “A Song of Ice and Fire” series by author George R. R. Martin, from which the show is adapted.
“George R. R. Martin is very involved within the production of the show, so any changes being made will stay true [to the book series] but, of course, be practical,” Henry said. “I would like to see it stay faithful to the book as a lot more serious events are to happen, while working with the best book in the series.”
The beginning of the episode puts us back near The Wall, with Jon Snow.
“I would have liked to see more the action going on near The Wall with Jon Snow being captive, the Whitewalkers and the Night’s Watch,” McConville said.
It was a very intense ending to season two, and viewers were really looking forward to seeing what was going to happen next.
“I am glad I was able to see Daenerys Targaryen (Khaleesi) though. I can’t wait to see her become more involved, and I am excited to see her dragons grow, as well as establish an army,” said Benitez.
According to an article on CNN’s Marquee blog, a record of 4.4 million viewers tuned in for the third season’s premiere. As excited as fans were to tune in, they were also looking forward to more upcoming content, as well as seeing our favorite characters, McConville’s being Tyrion Lannister, (Peter Dinklage).
“What I am most anticipating this season is seeing how everything is going to play out with Daenerys and the dragons. Now that they are getting older and bigger and she is building up an army, I expect that the dragons will bring some action to the show,” McConville said. “Tyrion Lannister is my favorite character, so I look forward to seeing more of this character. I hope that he will find a way to make up for the fact that his father stole all the credit for what he did in battle at the end of season two.”
As someone who has only finished the first book, I really need to catch up, because it seems like there is a lot of wonderful information I have yet to discover. I love “Game of Thrones” and can’t wait to see all it has to offer. There is much more to come.