Happy September everyone! The Ramapo News is back and ready to go.
Like always, we’re rededicating ourselves to another semester of bringing the Ramapo community all of the most important information. We’re recommitting to another busy semester of valuable reporting, breaking pertinent news, expanding our online impact and making a difference.
This year especially, with several new editors and some big ideas, The Ramapo News is paying special attention to how we can better serve you, our readers. While we continually strive to be objective, accurate, timely and thought-provoking, we’re also particularly focusing on the ways we can do a better job for our audience.
With this in mind, we have devoted ourselves to four broad goals to work on over the course of the semester-four areas where we want to “shoot for the stars.”
First, we hope to improve our coverage and newspaper operations, strengthening our sections by broadening the scope of the stories we cover and streamlining our business processes.
Second, we are striving to be better editors. We want to become higher caliber journalists by improving our skills and doing what we do better.
Third, we want our organization to be noticed in our community. We want to get more readers, be more visible to local businesses and encourage feedback on our print and online products.
And finally, we are working to build a stronger online platform by increasing our social media presence and publicizing the online extensions of our brand.
We have made some big changes over the past few years, and I am extremely happy with our progress so far as a growing news organization. But, as with anything, there is always room to improve. You’ll have to let us know how we’re doing!
That’s all the news for now-Nicole