On Saturday, the College Programming Board hosted “Rowdie Night” at the Alumni Lounges. The CPB offered pizza and many activities, ranging from games to T-shirt decorating, all while allowing students to meet new people and socialize with friends.
“The biggest purpose of Rowdie Night is to promote Ramapo spirit among the students,” said junior and CPB co-president Emily Egner. “We will all be drawing and designing T-shirts, playing games and eating pizza. There will also be opportunities to win a few prizes. Our goal is to provide something fun for everyone at Ramapo to do.”
Many students showed up and created their own T-shirts from scratch, with designs extending from original drawings to Ramapo Roadrunner logos. Students also played a trivia game shown on a projector to win prizes like Ramapo shirts, bags and sports bottles.
“I heard there was an event going on, it sounded like fun, so I decided that I would stop in and get in the Ramapo spirit,” said sophomore Diane Faglio. “I’m having a blast. It’s always nice to go out and meet new people.”
This is just the beginning for CPB-sponsored events.
“Rowdy Night is just one of the many events that the CPB is hosting this year,” said Tom Zampesi, senior and member of the CPB. “Every single event that we host is completely free, and there will be many more. Tuesday Night Live, Breakfast and Bingo and Avoiding the Freshman Fifteen are all upcoming events, and we encourage all students to get involved in and come to future Ramapo events. It’s a great and free way to have a good time and make new friends.”