Earlier this month, Bill Nye “The Science Guy” and Christian author Ken Ham, decided to have the classic debate of science versus religion. I am an atheist, so my belief on creationism was thrown out the window when I was around 16 years old. The concept of “heaven and hell” no longer applied to me, as well as the belief that God created all that we see. With these principles gone, I began to wonder: What exactly is the universe, and what is my tie to it?
I became interested in quantum mechanics and different theories such as the String Theory, which Nye tried to simplify in his debate. We are a species that is obsessed with patterns, so it easy to get wrapped up in the schedules of life and not think about why we are all here. Let’s take a moment to pause and think about the universe, and how we perceive it.
What if the reality that you see isn’t actually there at all? Isn’t it strange how we can hallucinate and change what we see? Isn’t it odd how, when we look into a mirror, what we perceive is not always what the person next to us can see? Is this a form of false pride, or maybe something deeper? Our brains are not fully understood, however; scientists are aware that we use a short percentage of it. Many processes are happening in the background, but it is unclear what all of these extra neurons are doing. Could our brains be constructing reality? Are we all some form of omnipotent being? I ask so many questions because, although quantum theory has become an official scientific practice, it raises more questions than it does answers.
The String Theory states that our illusion/universe is but one string surrounded by infinite strings, all containing their own universes. These universes are called parallel universes, and each universe is shaped like our own, but different. For example, say that one decided to opt out of brushing their teeth for the day in our universe; in a parallel universe, that same person decided to brush their teeth. Every decision and possibility has its own universe, and we are connected to all of these universes.
Think about when you sleep. Some scientists state that dreaming is simply us connecting to one of our sister universes, which when you think about it, doesn’t sound all that far-fetched. These quantum theories are mind boggling, and side effects might include a headache after thoroughly researching them, but it’s worth it to expand the mind and look at things through multiple perspectives.
Whether the belief is there or not, I urge everyone to take some time out of their day and do some research on these quantum theories. Above all, they are simply fascinating and much more believable when science, numbers and better-researched information is behind them. I will end with this: please don’t take everything for face value. We are not robots; become a critical thinker on multiple subjects, and in the end, your brain will thank you for it.