Photo by Steve Fallon
Ramapo College dining services are now officially accepting credit and debit cards at all locations due to customer demand. This includes the Atrium, Birch Tree Inn, Pavilion, Curtain Call Café and C-store. The College announced this upgrade on April 15.
“It’s giving more service to the customer,” said Steve Heffler, the supervisor of the Birch Tree Inn. “A lot of the people who come here use credit cards, a lot of the parents come in for open house and they want to charge their credit card. We’re just making it more convenient for people to come to the Birch Tree Inn.”
According to Heffler, the dining services staff has had to do some training to make the transition into using credit cards.
“There’s been small training. It’s not a very difficult thing to do, but, yes, there was training for the staff to do it,” he said.
This change has been meet with general approval from the student body. Undoubtedly, this change will give more paying options to students who need to buy food on campus. It will also be more convenient for people visiting campus who do not have meal plans, flex or Ramapo dollars in this age of digital money.
“I wish they did it earlier because I’m graduating,” said senior Kate Herzog. “I’ll definitely use it because flex goes so quickly.”
That being said, this new advancement is another step into the digital age for the College.
“It’s better because all my money is on my card,” said senior Caitlyn Ryall. “It’s more convenient. It’s a better option because I don’t always have money on me and it’s a lot easier to swipe a card.”