Photo by Rebecca King
To the students at the University of Missouri:
As the Student Body and Black Student Union Presidents, we strive to create an inclusive and diverse community that is warm and welcoming to all here at Ramapo College. Together, we stand in solidarity with the students at the University of Missouri. Mizzou student leaders and activists are leading the charge to address issues of systemic racism and intolerance on your campus.
These leaders and activists have inspired the both of us, personally, as well as students across the nation, to look critically and honestly at our own campuses, no matter how uncomfortable this may be for some. Each one of us, as students and citizens of this nation, has the opportunity to be a part of the solution here at Ramapo College.
At our own college, it is imperative that we work to recruit students, faculty and staff of color, while also supporting those individuals of color already at our institution. It is arguably more important that we support these individuals and create an inclusive environment once on our campus. We currently suffer with a low number of students of color on our campus. Our Black Student Union could definitely consist of additional members, and this all comes down to the population of students of color on campus. Our institution consists of only 7 percent African American students and additionally small percentages of other nationalities of color. We are encouraging our admissions department to reach out to more communities of color while recruiting.
If communities of color do not thrive on our campus, our collective college community cannot thrive. Diversity is more than just a word. It is an essential ingredient in intellectual and creative thought, strong communities and a bright future for not only our college, but our nation as a whole.
Each and every person on our campus deserves to be respected, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, ability, religious affiliation or socioeconomic status.
As we have been reminded in the past two weeks, racial injustices still exist on college campuses. It is the responsibility of each and every one of us to stamp out these injustices wherever and whenever we see them.
To the students of color at Mizzou, we, the student allies at Ramapo College, stand with you in solidarity.
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Alec Weissman
Student Government Association President, Ramapo College of New Jersey
Brittany Jordan
Black Student Union Spokesperson, Ramapo College of New Jersey