Photo courtesy of Yarnmarflickr, Flickr
For the first time ever, the College Programming Board hosted a Knitting Night last Thursday in the Alumni Lounges.
The College Programming Board's on-campus programmer, senior Tom Mannion, said that the idea of the knitting program came from a committee member last semester. The initial event fell through, however, so Mannion and the CPB carried Knitting Night over to spring 2016.
"It was a good idea, a relaxing event and I assume that there are enough people who knit on campus to support the event,” said Mannion.
The CPB sought to create a soothing ambience to accompany the traditionally relaxing pastime of knitting. To achieve that goal, the CPB brought an on-campus band, “Granoli Cannoli,” to perform calming music while tea was served. The band's ambient sound was also recently borrowed for a yoga event last semester.
Senior Alex Hoteck, keys player for Granoli Cannoli and president of the College Programming Board, explained that the band formed at Ramapo, and that the music they were playing at the knitting event is a passion for all of the band members. Hoteck explained how Granoli Cannoli’s music enhanced the event:
“CPB reached out to us to play ambient music at the knitting event to complete their vision of a stress-busting event. Knitting is a very calming activity and the ambient genre is very calming music,” he said.
Students of all different skill levels attended the event; beginners practiced their craft side-by-side with veteran knitters. The CPB provided several different knitting tools that were supplied to accommodate any and all of the people that attended.
Melanie Schuck, a junior, said, “This is my first time knitting in my life. It is difficult, but exciting, because I never thought we would have an event like this on campus.”
The College Programming Board’s promotion of Knitting Night showed, as roughly 30 people in total attended the night. For a weekday, this was a very great turnout, according to junior Lenin Veras.
“I saw the flier in the student center, so my friends and I thought that it would be a good time,” said sophomore Mariah Padilla. “The music makes it relaxing and it is a huge release, kind of, with finals coming up and whatnot.”