Photo by Hope Patti
On Tuesday, comedian Jeff Scheen came to perform at this week’s installment of Tuesday Night Live. However, he was not the only performer that owned the stage: his opening act was fellow funnyman and student Warren Dolan.
Dolan tended to make light of social and political issues that the country is currently facing. Some highlights included poking fun at racism, bullying, relationships and Donald Trump becoming president. The crowd really enjoyed his performance considering the laughter and engagement they displayed throughout the entirety of the performance.
Senior Brandon Petty said, “I understood his jokes and I really appreciated the fact that he tried to bring out the humor in hot topics because people usually do not see it like that. It was different, I’ll tell you that.”
Scheen, on the other hand, was more personal in his act, talking about his experience and joking about his life including his childhood, adolescent years and even his life now as an adult. He joked about how he used to sleep with his parents until he was about 12 years old, and about the other day when he accidentally injured himself by bumping into a fire hydrant while admiring the skyscrapers in the city.
“Of the two performers, I cannot really choose who I liked better because their styles were so noticeably different,” said Caroline Chavez, a senior.
The setup of Friends Hall for TNL reflected the atmosphere of a comedy club. The lights were dimmed just enough so that you could see the performer on stage. The College Programming Board also provided penne vodka and refreshments to draw in a larger crowd that pushed 50 people in attendance.
“Jeff Scheen’s performance was funny without a doubt – I don’t regret coming tonight. But, he did speak kind of fast which made me lost at some points throughout the performance,” said Melissa Dominguez, a junior.