Photo courtesy of Gage Skidmore, Wikipedia
The Trump administration is made up of many types of people: investors, researchers, increasers and engagers. However, truth tellers are something they lack. Instead, the administration is filled with many “alternative fact” givers, including President Donald Trump himself.
This term was first used by the administration when Trump publicly lied about how many people were actually in attendance at his inauguration even though there is photographic proof and statistics that completely debunk the statements he was making to the CIA. His goal was to brag about how many more people were at his inauguration than at Obama’s.
Political correctness should be a main priority for all American citizens. It should go without saying that the commander-in-chief should be held to the same standards, if not that of a higher regard, in this matter.
However, Trump has a way of going below these standards that we as hopeful Americans blindly believed he would follow. How many times will we remain positive and “give him a chance” just for him to go right to Twitter and spout lie after lie? It is naïve for us as a society to think that anything he says is truthful or even anything resembling the truth.
CNN compared the press conference with Trump Administration Counselor KellyAnn Conway to a “Saturday Night Live skit come to life.”
This is also not Conway’s first time defending the Trump administration. She coined the famous term “locker room talk” when Trump was once again caught in his wrongdoings; this was when there was actual footage of Trump talking about what he “does to women.”
Conway has a craft of shaping the truth into something that looks better than what it is in reality. Instead of the Trump administration apologizing for their lies that have been debunked by outlets like Politico, they make up these falsehoods. Not only are the people enraged — as they have every right to be — but also companies are speaking out about their new-found anger for our leader’s lies.
Dove recently spoke out through their most recent ad campaign by stating “alternative facts” that their new antiperspirant has. The ad went on to state, “New Dove antiperspirant will boost your Wi-Fi signal [and] will raise your IQ by 40 points.” This sets a powerful example of not only people, but also brands speaking out about their beliefs.
It is almost insanity to call falsehoods “alternative facts.” We have to think that if he starts off his presidency spouting lies, where will the lies end? Can we trust anything that the Trump administration tells us? Like many others, I wish this were not the case for our country’s future. These “alternative facts” can only be the start to a much bigger issue that arises. To live in a world of alternative facts is to live in an alternative world. The delusions the Trump administration is feeding us need to end here. If it does not, we may face an Orwellian kind of reality.