Cherries, strawberries, cocoa roasted almonds, granola, hemp seeds and honey.
Photo by Brogan Wu
It’s hard to believe it’s nearly November with the afternoons still hitting the 70s. While it’s not typical late fall weather, the mornings are finally starting to cool down. On a cool morning there is no better breakfast than a warm bowl of oats. Porridge is the perfect dorm room meal because it is inexpensive, easily stored with a long shelf life, can be made in a microwave and goes well with endless flavor combinations. Not only are they convenient but oats are one of the best whole grains you can put into your body. They’re loaded with both fiber and healthy carbohydrates and also have a surprisingly decent protein content. So not only will oatmeal provide fuel for your day, but it will help you feel fuller longer. Add Greek yogurt for a cooler and creamier mix or cook it with some egg whites for a fluffy, higher protein version. No matter how you choose to prepare it, be creative and try new things! Here is my Kitchen Witch list of favorite sweeteners, toppings and add-ons to keep on hand for your own delicious breakfast bowls.
-Agave nectar
-Maple syrup
-Brown sugar
-Chopped dates
-Fruit preserves
Pantry Mix-Ins:
-Nut butters
-Ground flax
-Hemp seeds
-Chia seeds
-Cacao nibs
-Shredded coconut
-Dried fruit
-Fresh fruit (frozen works, too)
– Cherries, strawberries, raspberries, almond honey, granola and hemp + chia seeds drizzled in honey.
– Apples, bananas, almond butter, chia + hemp seeds and cinnamon honey.