Dating with AI: ‘Rizz’ or repetitive?

If you’ve ever felt like your flirting skills were not up to par and you don’t know how to talk to people online, your solution might be just a download away.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) dating assistant app “Rizz” launched in 2022 and uses AI technology, to analyze screenshots of conversations on various platforms, such as Tinder and iMessage, and craft reply suggestions. 

Rizz has posed many questions regarding AI in the dating world and the introduction of a seemingly less authentic approach to dating. I view Rizz and other similar AI assistance apps as harmless.

If you are downloading Rizz you likely need the extra assistance in sparking up interesting conversations, and I see it as a helpful tool if it is not used excessively. It feels similar to asking a friend how to respond to your crush’s text because you don’t want to sound lame or “come off too strong.” Everyone needs a second opinion once in a while or someone to help craft the perfect response.

In all honesty, dating apps are inauthentic in a lot of ways already. You can only get to know a person so much through a screen; most times, even on the first couple of in-person dates, people tend to only showcase the best versions of themselves. We are programmed to be inauthentic in dating anyway, so I don’t see Rizz being any more detrimental to the world of matchmaking.

There is likely going to be a surge of apps similar to Rizz, or apps that use AI in general, in the near future. It is becoming normal in so many different areas of our lives and I think learning to integrate AI and use it appropriately is our best approach when moving forward in our society.

Featured photo courtesy of Anastasia Shuraeva, Pexels