
Editorial: Re-Elect President Obama

All of human achievement has been gained through progress.  Progress is forward motion towards an obtainable goal. The key word here is forward. Forward is where our country is heading. Forward is where President Barack Obama will take us.  Four years ago, then Sen. Barack Obama came along and inspired […]

Ramapo College GOP: Mitt Romney is the Right Choice

In 2008, the youth vote propelled President Barack Obama into the White House, swept up by his promises of hope and change. Four years later, far fewer college students remain convinced that Obama is truly capable of delivering his end of the deal. When the youth wave helped remove the […]

Planned Parenthood is Worth it, Governor Romney

The Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA), otherwise shortened to Planned Parenthood, is a resource for reproductive and maternal health services. The organization offers low-cost or free healthcare, depending on an individual’s insurance and/or income. Planned Parenthood services include providing contraceptives, preventative cancer screenings, pregnancy testing, different types of counseling, […]

Do Presidential Debates Actually Matter? That’s Debatable

Debates: they’re all we wait for during election season. When the time actually comes to sit down and watch them, you just sit and scream at the television, mostly at the candidate trying to smear the image of who you know you’ll be voting for.  So with that, what is […]

Listen or Dance to It All You Want, But Dubstep Is Not Music

Regardless of whether you like it or not, the unmistakable “wub-wub” can be heard almost everywhere. The dubstep genre is now a decade old and still gaining momentum, making it, in my mind the strongest musical influence on our generation. But I use the word “musical” loosely. Dubstep is as […]

Old Bridge Pathmark Shooting Tragedy Was Preventable

Over a month ago, a violent shooting in Old Bridge, New Jersey caught national attention as an ex-Marine opened fire inside of a Pathmark, killing two people and himself. A month later, this horrible tragedy is all but forgotten in the news, and it shouldn’t be. The shooter, Terence Tyler, […]

During Crisis Romney Fails to Show Leadership

Last Tuesday, on the 11th anniversary of 9/11, Islamic militants killed the American ambassador and three staff members in Benghazi, Libya in a violent attack.  Naturally, President Obama addressed the nation with a statement about the attacks and how he plans to deal with them. While I expected Republican Presidential […]