
Preventing Poverty: Homeless Does Not Mean Helpless

When you think of homelessness, what comes to mind? Do you picture someone on the side of the street holding up a cardboard sign and begging for money? This is a stereotypical image, however; not all homeless people will be on the side of a street begging. There are some […]

THE WEEKLY GRIND: Busy Birthday Month

October is a busy month for us. The news is in full swing, classes are picking up steam and the fall weather is so tempting (read: distracting). And plus, October is packed with birthdays here at The Ramapo News! No one has had the misfortune (just yet) of having their […]

Pushing Boundaries: Creating Queer Allies and Safe Zones

As a student activist and queer-identified individual, people oftentimes ask me about the extensive LGBT acronym that only seems to get longer each time it’s mentioned. I laugh,   remembering all the letters chucked in there like alphabet soup. The shorthand LGBT acronym covers those who are lesbian, gay, bisexual and […]

SGA TODAY: Use Your Words

For those of you who don’t know me, I am Lauren Fuhring, your Student Government Association Vice President. Your SGA President Vinny Guinta wrote a previous blog to reach out to the student body and encourage campus involvement. I am writing this to reach out to you as well, but […]

GREEK SPEAK: Introducing the Greek Life Ladies

It’s amazing to see how quickly half the semester has already flown by. While you may be busy with midterms, papers and projects, Ramapo’s Greek community is busy with that plus more! Welcome to the first edition of GRΣΣK SPΣAK, the first Greek blog for The Ramapo News. This blog […]

Non-Residential Students Considered Guests to Ramapo Campus

Dear Editor: My name is Michael Fleischmann, secretary of Commuter Affairs. I saw Monika Lasocha’s article, “Ramapo Commuters Don’t Measure Up to Residents,” in the Ramapo News late last month. Monika wrote about several policies in the Guide to Community Living that she strongly felt limited the college experience for […]

THE WEEKLY GRIND: Blog-ception (A Blog about Blogging)

In my senior project class, the capstone course for the journalism major, we have been studying the entrepreneurial side of our industry-that is, exploring ways to actually make money in this business. Because, let's face it, the news ecosystem is changing, and the old foundation of supporting journalism with subscription […]

Celebrity Obsession Warps the Everyday Self Image

In our current society, there are so many different cultures: celebrity, media and fashion to name a few. Within the culture of celebrity, people become so engrossed with the stars – who they are or are not dating, what they are wearing, whom they are wearing and what they are […]

Ramapo College CEC: More Than Another Assignment

Whether you are a first-year student or last-semester senior, the middle of the semester is upon us, which means our time to complete the five-hour Curriculum Enrichment Component (CEC) is running out. I can hear the disgruntled sighs now, and can envision the panic that just struck those of you […]

THE WEEKLY GRIND: A Political Story

Covering politics is arguably one of the most important functions the journalism industry has. From covering candidates on the campaign trail to attending press conferences at the White House and everything in between, journalists are central to the public's understanding of government on every level. Just think… if we weren't […]