Photo Courtesy of Michael Vadon, Flickr Creative Commons This election season has been one of the most unpredictable in American history and has seen candidates seemingly come out of nowhere to defy the political process. In the case of one candidate in particular — Donald Trump — basic human decency […]
Tag: American
Student: ‘Obama is More Likely to Appease the Evil in the World’
Photo Courtesy of Tyler Driscoll, Flickr Creative Commons Former mayor of New York City Rudy Guiliani sparked a debate amongst politicians and all Americans with a comment he made about President Obama at a private event. Guiliani’s remarks, made at a New York fund-raising event for Gov. Scott Walker of […]
Lack of Media Coverage on Fatal Muslim Student Shooting Inexcusable
Photo courtesy of Calamity_Sal, Flickr Creative Commons A grand jury indicted the man who fatally shot three Muslim students over an alleged parking dispute in Chapel Hill, N.C. on Feb. 17, initiating a national conversation on religion and race. Craig Hicks, 46, is the perpetrator of the heinous crime and […]