Ramapo’s Cahill Career Development Center hosted a Roadrunner TableTalk for members of the community looking for information on careers in marketing and public relations (PR). The talk was a part of the career center’s initiative to help students excel in their chosen career fields. The event featured marketing professionals and […]
Tag: Cahill Career Center
Ramapo’s Cahill Center hosts career fair to help students
Ramapo’s Cahill Career Development Center hosted a career and internship fair on last Wednesday for students and alumni in the Bradley Center Auxiliary Gym. The Cahill Center provided professional clothes set up on clothing racks from the We Care Program’s Professional Clothing Closet for students who needed it. “A lot […]
In Other News: Week of Sept. 11 on campus
9/11 Remembrance Ceremony On Sept. 11, President Jebb welcomed Mahwah Mayor Jim Wysocki and Brigadier Gen. Lisa Hou, the Adjutant General and Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, to speak at the 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony. The event honored the tragic event and lives lost 22 […]
Graduating students start professional chapter of life
With undergraduate commencement quickly approaching on May 11, finding a job right out of college is a priority for most seniors. It can be a stressful time, but the Cahill Career Center is dedicated to helping students find job opportunities and helping them work on important skills like resume building […]
Panel prepares LGBTQ+ students for the workforce
The Cahill Career Center teamed up with the Women’s Center and LGBTQ+ Services to host a panel titled Working While LGBTQ+. Four local LGBTQ+ identifying workers with varying careers served as the panelists, and the discussion was moderated by Career Advisor Alex Corsillo and Coordinator of the Women’s Center and […]
Panelists share challenges of being Black in the workplace
In the cozy atmosphere of the Cahill Career Center office, five panelists sat on the purple couches for a vibrant discussion about their experiences as Black people in the workplace. The Black in the Workplace Panel, co-sponsored by the Career Center, the Office of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Compliance (EDIC) […]
Roadrunner TableTalk connects human resources students to field experts
The Cahill Career Center hosted its latest in the Roadrunner TableTalk series last Thursday, this time focusing on the field of human resources (HR). Previous fields discussed include public relations and environmental science. Taking place in the cozy space of the Career Center office, a sizable crowd of students experienced […]
Declaration Day invites underclassmen to commit to a degree
The Center for Student Success (CSS) held (Major) Declaration Day on Dec. 1, an event geared toward providing students with information and advice on how to choose a major. Ramapo requires students to declare a major by the time they reach 64 credits — usually second semester sophomore year. The […]
Roadrunner TableTalk interviews public relations expert
As part of the Roadrunner TableTalk series, the Cahill Career Center invited Coyne PR’s Assistant Vice President Stacey Cooney to talk about her work in public relations and give career advice. The event was discussion-based, with a majority of the time being dedicated to attendees’ questions about topics related to […]
Ramapo’s career fair allows students to meet with employers
Photo by Tori D'Amico Students can count on the Cahill Career Center to find opportunities for networking and internships. One of these opportunities is the yearly career fair in the Bradley Center. This year’s fair had over 90 visiting companies ready to meet students and give them the opportunity to […]