Photo courtesy of Ramapo College, Flickr. As Women’s Herstory Month comes to an end, it is important to reflect and remember why we recognize and celebrate this month. Women’s Herstory Month is a way for the world to honor all of the important women who have changed the world. […]
Tag: Colleges
Students should be mindful despite lifting mask mandates
Photo courtesy of Anna Schvets, Pexels. On March 3, Ramapo College sent out an email with the subject “Campus Communication on Coronavirus” explaining how the college anticipates mask mandates will be lifted, allowing the institution to transition to a “face covering friendly” environment. In other words, starting on March 28, […]
Affirmative Action Prioritizes Minority Students to Combat Historical Oppression
In 2013, the Supreme Court case of Fisher v. University of Texas brought into question the policy of affirmative action as it applied to admissions into college. In this case, the court decided to ultimately reinforce the precedent established in Grutter v. Bollinger with race serving as one consideration in […]