Here is the first note I would like to make before continuing: I do not love President Joe Biden, but I can acknowledge when he does something right. On Easter, as well as Transgender Day of Visibility (TDV), he released two separate statements acknowledging and celebrating both holidays. This was […]
Tag: religion
Religion and government intersect in fireside chat
Dr. Azza Karam is the secretary general of Religions for Peace and a professor at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. She is known as a widely published author and the former convener for the United Nations’ Interagency Task Force on Religion, which she founded. Karam has taught and lectured at academic institutions […]
Newman Catholic celebrates Ash Wednesday
Ramapo’s chapter of Newman Catholic, also called the Catholic Campus Ministry, held Mass for Ash Wednesday in the Alumni Lounges, marking the beginning of Lent. The group is associated with the Archdiocese of Newark and invited Father Jarek Zaniewski to serve as the celebrant. What are Ash Wednesday and Lent? […]
Trump’s executive order redefines Judaism as a nationality
Photo courtesy of Gage Skidmore, Flickr President Trump signed an executive order that banned anti-Semitism on college campuses on Wednesday. The executive order will cut federal assistance to colleges that do not take enough action to prevent discrimination against Jewish people. It will also establish Judaism as a nationality, no […]
Bible literacy should not be pushed in public schools
Photo courtesy of Kevin Eng, Wikipedia People are beginning to forget that church and state are separated for a reason. Recently, some states are pushing Bible literacy bills to ensure that the Bible will be taught in public schools. Granted, there is a 2002 bill that states that Bible study […]
New bill gives agencies more choice to pick fit parents
Photo courtesy of Ken Lund, Wikipedia The Georgia Senate has passed a bill that would allow adoption agencies to turn away couples based on their religious beliefs, and it will be sent to the House for further consideration. Republicans claim this bill allows for more religious freedom for these institutions, […]
Women’s Center holds discussion on religious beards
Photo courtesy of M. Garten, Wikipedia In honor of No Shave November, the Women’s Center hosted Illustrious Beards, an event to discuss the history of facial hair and how religion plays a role in the reasoning behind why many men wear their beards and hair a certain way. The event, […]
Film Modernizes Religious Icons with Diverse Cast
Photo courtesy of NASA Billngalls, Wikipedia “The Shack” tells the story of Mack Phillips (Sam Worthington) as he begins to deal with a traumatic experience by growing closer to God. After his youngest daughter is kidnapped and presumed dead, Mack struggles to get over what happened to her and slowly […]
ReligiousiTea Series Sparks Talk on a Higher Power
Photo by Hope Patti Launching the monthly ReligiousiTea series, the Office of Equity and Diversity, also known as OED, partnered with the Women’s Center to host an informal discussion on the concept of a higher power in religion. “You find in a variety of religions that there is some concept […]
Student: Planned Parenthood Defunding Efforts Go Against Public Good
Photo courtesy of the Office of Ohio Governor John R Kasich, Wikipedia The controversy around Planned Parenthood has recently brought the issue of abortion back into the news, and it seems like the right time to take a hard look at public opinion polling. Recently, governor and presidential nominee John Kasich […]