Tag: STIs

Ramapo hosts HIV testing for students

Ramapo hosted the Morristown Medical Center as they offered free HIV tests as well as informational pamphlets on sexually transmitted infections (STIs) on Dec. 2, the day after World AIDS Day.  The Medical Center had a booth set up above the Atrium where people could grab pamphlets, condoms, bracelets and […]

Inadequate sex education breeds misconceptions

Thinking back to middle and high school, can you remember what you learned about sex education? Me neither. The only thing I can truly recall learning about is the danger of drugs and alcohol and that sex involves a cisgender man penetrating a cisgender woman.  However, that last statement is […]

Trans sex ed event dispels misinformation

The Women’s Center and LGBTQ+ Services partnered with Health Services to host “Clued-in: Trans Sex Education.” Megan Johnston, the health educator for the Center for Health and Counseling Services, and Theodore Bell, the student trans outreach coordinator, created a presentation and several games to combine education and entertainment. Attendees gathered […]