Photo courtesy of Joe Ravi, Wikipedia Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death could trigger a new chapter in U.S. history that guarantees unborn children the right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness as much as their older counterparts hold. With her passing, President Trump has prepared to present […]
Tag: Supreme Court
New York should tighten their gun laws as a safety measure
Photo courtesy of Don Sniegowski, Flickr The pending case before the Supreme Court, “New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. v. City of New York,” will determine whether individuals can carry arms outside their homes, in states that currently don’t allow it, as well as whether they can transport […]
Ramapo professor lectures on Supreme Court history
Photo courtesy of Joe Ravi, Wikipedia The U.S. Supreme Court is a subject of excitement or apprehension depending on who is talking. Over the years, the Court has dominated public attention and news coverage, and was even a major influence on the 2016 election. To provide some political history on […]
Protests across U.S. against Trump’s trans decree
Photo courtesy of President Donald Trump, Twitter #WontBeErased was used as a battle cry for many transgender Americans who protested over the past week in Washington D.C. and New York. The hashtag circulated throughout social media after Congress’s latest plans for the group, who has always been a pariah to […]
Georgetown professor goes on a Kavanaugh Twitter rant
Photo courtesy of The White House, Wikipedia The First Amendment’s definition of free speech and what it covers has recently been a hot button topic in the press. Since the 2016 election and Milo Yiannopoulos’ “Free Speech Week” at UC Berkeley, the meaning has been perverted into being forced to […]
Affirmative action causes new stir Boston study
Photo courtesy of Ramapo College of New Jersey, Flickr It is no secret that admissions offices consider race when judging a student’s admission into a college, but a new study done by Boston public broadcasting station WGBH shows that people want that to come to an end, and fast. According […]
The Country Has to Pick Between Security and Privacy
When the Supreme Court ruled that the police could search through someone’s car without a warrant if they have a reasonable suspicion of illegal activity, I was outraged. If a citizen has a right to privacy, why breach that right? What makes these authorities a higher power than the rights […]
Highly Qualified Gorsuch Considered for Supreme Court
Photo courtesy of U.S. Senator David Perdue, Wikipedia One of the main criticisms of the Trump Administration is that it is unprofessional and uneducated when it comes to civil service and the rule of law. Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court Neil Gorsuch is anything but that, and Democrats should […]
Earth Day SCOTUS Talk Addresses Clean Power Plan
This week, Ramapo’s SCOTUS discussion series took a look at the Environmental Protection Agency's proposed Clean Power Plan in honor of Earth Day this Friday. The plan discussed guidelines to lower carbon emissions in the U.S. by 30 percent by 2030. The Supreme Court took a look at the EPA […]
Affirmative Action Prioritizes Minority Students to Combat Historical Oppression
In 2013, the Supreme Court case of Fisher v. University of Texas brought into question the policy of affirmative action as it applied to admissions into college. In this case, the court decided to ultimately reinforce the precedent established in Grutter v. Bollinger with race serving as one consideration in […]