I love video games — playing them, learning their lore and watching others play. I’m sure we all like to watch something while we eat, and my choice of entertainment is YouTube; specifically, “Apex Legends” content. One of my favorite content creators in this genre is Taylor Adams or @nmoose […]
Tag: video games
‘Pokémon Sleep’ among this summer’s newly released games
The fall semester is upon us! As classes start and homework is assigned, the ample time students have to play video games fades away. What better time than now to reflect on the games that got us through the summer? Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Right as the […]
Beginner-friendly game jams keep the indie genre afloat
A game jam is more than a competition, it is a community formed with the goal of fostering creativity and expanding the indie genre. The broadest definition of a game jam is an event that invites people to work as individuals or in teams to make a game that follows […]
Sonic sequel values source material over quality writing
Photo courtesy of AntMan3001, Flickr. 2020’s “Sonic the Hedgehog” proved to be a surprise hit with both fans and critics when it was first released. Based on the hit video game series, the film was filled with quirky jokes and charming performances — especially from Jim Carrey as the nefarious Dr. […]
Fight to stay alive in this chilling new indie horror game
Photo courtesy of RODNAE Productions, Pexels. Welcome to Heilwald Hospital, where it is impossible to die. “The Heilwald Loophole” was released Friday, Feb. 4 on Steam by German developer and publisher Jan Malitschek. This is Malitschek’s second released game on Steam. The puzzle horror game is set in a German hospital […]
NYT’s Wordle purchase highlights struggle of keeping entertainment free
Photo courtesy of Celine Panis-Pardo. There has been a six-letter word in everyone's mouths recently and that is “Wordle.” This is a web-based word game akin to ‘Hangman,’ and it has been the subject of public craze for the past few weeks. The game was created by a software engineer in […]
God of War reaches new heights with a well-crafted PC port
Photo courtesy of Rodnae Productions, Pexels. While writing reviews is an inherently personal and subjective form of expression — quite opinionated actually — I always try to present the art I am reviewing as objectively as possible. That will be almost impossible with “God of War” because of how essential the […]
The best video games to gift your loved ones this holiday season
Photo courtesy of Igor Karimov, Unsplash. The holiday season is a perfect time for anybody who enjoys video games. Not only are all the new and old video games typically on sale, but we also finally have time to start clearing out our video game backlog during vacation.That is, until […]
Critical Role premieres third campaign in theaters nationwide
Photo courtesy of Dungeons & Dragons, wiki. “Dungeons and Dragons” has had somewhat of a renaissance in recent years. While this is due to many factors, one of the biggest contributing phenomena has been actual-play shows. Describing when a non-scripted, genuine game of “D&D” is played on stream, many shows […]
Sora flies in as final new Smash Bros Ultimate fighter
Photo courtesy of AntMan3001, Flickr. “Super Smash Bros. Ultimate” has been one of the most popular video games of this generation, in part due to the additions of new fighters thanks to the game’s downloadable content. Adding onto the initial list of 69 playable characters, 13 additional fighters were added to […]