Tag: Women’s rights

The 4B movement may not see success in America

The 2024 Election saw women’s safety and their bodies on the ballot. With President-elect Donald Trump’s unfortunate landslide victory, South Korea’s 4B movement is seeming appealing to some American women.   South Korea’s 4B movement gained popularity in 2019 following a string of violence against women in the country.  South Korean […]

SGA hosts panel to discuss Iranian protest movement

The Student Government Association (SGA) hosted a discussion panel on Monday to address the recent protest movement in Iran.  The panelists included professor of political economy Dr. Behzad Yaghmaian, assistant professor of IT management Dr. Fariba Nosrati and special guest Atieh Babakhani, a Ph.D. candidate from the Criminal Justice and […]

Statistics justify women’s fears of violence

Following Valentine’s Day, it is important to acknowledge the violence that all women face on a daily basis, especially young girls. For many, Valentine’s Day is happily spent with their domestic partners, but for others, the day reminds them of the physical or emotional violence suffered within their intimate relationships. […]

Arizona judge strengthens abortion bans

This past June, the United States faced a shocking change: the overturn of Roe v. Wade. Women across the country were shaken as their right to abortion was put in the hands of individual state governments. From that point, many states diverged onto different paths of how to handle this […]

Women’s Center hosts talk on abortion access

Photo courtesy of Lunar Caustic, Flickr On Wednesday evening, the Women’s Center sponsored a “When People Can’t Have Abortions” discussion covering the lack of abortion access across the nation. Nat Dahl, the Women’s Outreach Coordinator opened the discussion by introducing Dr. Amanda Roberti who presented a “My Choice Series” PowerPoint […]