
Combatting Queer Discrimination

Queer, a term that is often associated with derogatory and belittling sentiments, has been reappropriated to represent all gender and sexual minorities, or gender non-conforming individuals within the gay community. Members who identify as part of this group often take pride in embracing their individuality and sexuality within the heteronormative […]

THE WEEKLY GRIND: Technical Troubles

You may have seen it on our Facebook page or heard it from one of our staff members, but let me once and for all put the rumors to rest. No, we did not have half the staff quit unexpectedly, we aren’t dealing with a multitude of scandalous tabloid cover […]

THE WEEKLY GRIND: Style, Schmyle

It’s safe to say all of us editors at The Ramapo News are pretty nerdy. (Sorry guys.) Some of us geek out over computers and cameras (ahem, Steve), and others are snobs about Adobe software (the designers, of course). As for the rest of us, we’re pretty weird when it […]

Apple Returns to Roots

Apple executives must have been listening to Neil Diamond, because production of Mac computers is “Coming to America.” President Barack Obama even mentioned Apple during his State of the Union because of their move to the United States. It sure sounds like wonderful news. In fact, it’s fantastic. Finally MADE IN […]

College is for Learning, Not Binge Drinking

In college, a hierarchy exists that puts first-year students at the bottom of a methodical food chain. Freshmen, often too eager to enter their first college semester, anticipate the freedom away from their parents. In many cases, in an attempt to assimilate into a new culture and keep from being […]

THE WEEKLY GRIND: Food for Thought

For our eight-hour production nights, we need a lot of sustenance. Thanks to our Keurig machine, we have plenty of liquid caffeine to keep us going. But we can’t survive on coffee, tea and hot chocolate alone. Dinner is one of the highlights of our Wednesday nights, but only after […]

Nothing Personal: Teachers Must Keep Views to Themselves

  As a general idea, higher education professors or post-secondary faculty members have leniences on what they can and cannot say or share with students in a classroom setting. Conversely, primary and secondary instructors do not have the same privilege and must adhere to a certain code of ethics. The […]

Gun Control Debate is Quite Complicated, Constitution is Not

  One of the biggest issues to ever be debated throughout America’s history is gun control and the Second Amendment. As gun violence in America rises, it draws more call for legislation and leads to one question: Where do we stand? It is a complex question that takes a lot […]

State of the Union: Tradition Trumps Reality

Tuesday night marked the fifth, but most certainly not the last time President Obama delivered the State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress. Republicans, Democrats and even some of those grave Tea Partiers packed the House of Representatives chamber to hear the president present his assessment […]

THE WEEKLY GRIND: Not Just the News

Have you ever seen a really old newspaper? If you haven’t, picture a super long sheet of newsprint (like New York Times long) covered in text. And I mean completely covered: words from top to bottom, probably in size 10 font, with hardly any margins. We’ve certainly progressed, right? It’s […]