Photo by Tom Mannion Many students are probably familiar with Open Mic Nights, hosted every other Tuesday in the Linden Coffeehouse. The bi-weekly event serves coffee and snacks, including cookies and brownies. It plays host to all sorts of acts, this week's included metal, glam rock, acoustic singer-songwriters, stand-up comedy and […]
Mercer to Serve on College Affordability Study Commission
Photo by Steve Fallon President Peter Mercer has been appointed by New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to serve on the College Affordability Study Commission. The panel's 10 members, including Mercer, will be looking over issues surrounding the cost of higher education and reporting their findings within 12 months. “I was […]
USDA Grant Provides Funding for Wildflower Garden
Photo courtesy of Eric Weiner For those unfamiliar with the south side of campus, last year it became home to what should end up being a beautiful wildflower meadow, planted last year by the Beekeeping Club. The funding for this garden was provided in part by the New Jersey Beekeeper's Association, […]
Fully Student-produced Rocky Horror Draws Full House
Photo by Alex Baran The Ramapo Film Society, in conjunction with Alpha Psi Omega Theater Honor Society, RCTV and the College Programming Board, put on a shadow cast presentation of “The Rocky Horror Picture Show." It was an interesting night, with Friends Hall packed with students all the way to […]
Band and Choir Camp to Be Held at Ramapo
Photo by Steve Fallon This summer, Ramapo will be home to a new band and choir camp, a two-week session for ninth through 12th grade instrumentalists and singers, being held from July 13 to July 24 The day camp has been in the works for about a year and is […]
Professor Wholley Retires with Multi-piece Exhibition
Photo by Steve Fallon The Berrie Center Galleries opened two new shows on Feb. 25. The first is titled “The Piero/Leonardo Project,” which showcases the recent works of Jay Wholley, a professor of sculpture at Ramapo for 44 years. The second is “Work With Me,” and features a collection of […]
Open Mic Brings Out Variety of Talent Week after Week
Photo by Steve Fallon Although Linden Hall’s Coffee House is full of the dorm furniture and pool tables you'd expect in any other lounge, it is home to a certain energy you cannot find anywhere else on campus. Every other Tuesday, the College Programming Board holds Open Mic Night, a […]
Schedule Changes to Be Enacted in Fall 2015
Photo by Justin Roth As of next fall, the Course Enrichment Component will be no more. The Ramapo trademark has been eliminated and the class schedule reworked in a series of changes meant to "increase student learning opportunities and experiences on campus," according to a recent email from Provost Beth […]
Freedom of Speech Not Always without Consequence
Last month the headquarters of Charlie Hebdo, a weekly satirical newspaper based in France, fell victim to an Islamist terrorist attack that left 12 dead and several others wounded. The attacks immediately caused a worldwide uproar. And a solidarity movement, #JeSuisCharlie or “I am Charlie,” formed in the aftermath. Charlie […]
Traditional Art Continues Despite Decrease in Popularity
Photo Courtesy of Jack Mitchell, Wikipedia Everyone knows the big artists like Da Vinci, Monet, Dali or Warhol, but sometimes it feels like there is no one to match their importance in today's society. Of course, it is hard to tell who will have the greatest influence in the years […]