Photo by Micheal Pacheco Combining post-apocalyptic themes with “The Simpsons,” Anne Washburn’s play “Mr. Burns” premiered in the Sharp Theater last Friday night. The show, labeled as a “post-electric” play, serves as Ramapo’s spring mainstage production. This production of “Mr. Burns” is directed by Pirronne Yousefzadeh and choreographed by Amanda […]
Greff Compiles New Private Scholarship Opportunities
Photo courtesy of Wikipedia As of the Spring 2017 semester, Ramapo’s Financial Aid Office added a “private scholarships not affiliated with Ramapo College” section to its website. This list, compiled by Ryan Greff, Student Government Senator-at-Large, includes 18 new scholarship opportunities available for a variety of students. “These are new […]
President Mercer Supports SGA Definition of Sanctuary
Photo by Michael Pacheco In light of the recent campus controversy over “sanctuary campus” status, President Peter Mercer gave his full support to the principles put forward by the Student Government Association’s legislation titled “Principles Related to Immigration and Undocumented Students at Ramapo.” This support was noted in President’s Post […]
Travel Ban Tremors Seen Amongst Faculty and Students
Photo courtesy of Luminary Traveler, Flickr The United States has enacted a ban on Syrian refugees as of Friday, Jan. 24. The ban, created by President Donald Trump’s Executive Order, has also suspended immigration from Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen. “We don’t want them here,” the New York […]
“Gilmore Girls” Returns to Massive Following in Revival
Photo courtesy of Wikipedia Even with seven years, 153 episodes and countless cups of coffee, it seems fans haven’t had enough of those quirky Connecticut girls Lorelai and Rory, more commonly known as the Gilmore Girls. From first boyfriends to college applications and lots and lots of witty fast talk […]
Protest on Campus Two Days After Trump Election
Photo by Hannah Reasoner Two days after the election of Donald Trump, students – disheartened by the results and apprehensive of the future – gathered at the Arch and rallied together to voice their support for members of the Ramapo community regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation or religion. “We […]
Fooligans Premiere First Show of the Fall
Photo by Michael Pacheco Ramapo’s own improvised comedy troupe, the Fooligans, premiered their very first show of the fall 2016 semester Saturday night. The show, titled “Bring in the Clowns,” was free for all students in the Berrie Center’s Adler Theater. “My favorite part of being a Fooligan is how […]
Senior Karlito Almeda Runs for Councilman of Mahwah
Photo courtesy of Karlito Almeda Most Ramapo students can relate to the challenges that come with balancing a personal life on top of a full course load. However this semester, Karlito Almeda, a senior history major minoring in political science and East Asian Studies, has been busier than most. On […]
Iphigenia and Other Daughters Debuts in Adler
Photo by Michael Pacheco Iphigenia and Other Daughters premiered in the Adler Theatre on Friday, making it the first main stage show of the Fall 2016 semester. Peter Campbell, associate professor of theater history and criticism, directs the show, which will run for four more performances this week. “This […]
Highlights of the Second Presidential Debate
Photo courtesy of Comandode Tomás Hirsch, Wikipedia The second of three presidential debates took place Sunday night, highlighting the candidate’s connection to the voters through a town hall format. With questions moderated by CNN’s Anderson Cooper and ABC’s Martha Raddatz, proclaimed “undecided voters” formed an audience for Hillary Clinton and […]