PRO Imagine that a harmless term that has become a part of your everyday vocabulary always seems to stir your company in a negative way for absolutely zero reason. The term in question is the slang word “slay,” which stems from the LGBTQ+ abbreviation for “killing it,” a way to […]
Tag: Debate
Questions were left unanswered during vice presidential debate
Photo courtesy of Joe Biden, Flickr After the unfocused and frustrating presidential debate, the vice presidential debate of Oct. 7 was a more by-the-books program. It was not, however, without its disputes and dodges. Both Senator Kamala Harris and Vice President Mike Pence took their turns dodging questions to share […]
Highlights of the Second Presidential Debate
Photo courtesy of Comandode Tomás Hirsch, Wikipedia The second of three presidential debates took place Sunday night, highlighting the candidate’s connection to the voters through a town hall format. With questions moderated by CNN’s Anderson Cooper and ABC’s Martha Raddatz, proclaimed “undecided voters” formed an audience for Hillary Clinton and […]
Brain Differences Shape Political Party Affiliations
Photo Courtesy of Hotey As the presidential election looms, the divide between Democrats and Republicans has grown to its greatest gap yet. Since many of the students on this campus will be voting in the next few months, it is time for a fun – if not fully proven look […]
College Student Apathy Toward Elections Undermines Democracy, Hurts Millions
Photo Courtesy of Kate Sumbler, Flickr Creative Commons On a recent reporting assignment, I went around asking Ramapo students if they had watched the Oct. 13 CNN Democratic presidential debate and what their opinion on it was if they had one. I was somewhat surprised to find that very few […]
Student: ‘Obama is More Likely to Appease the Evil in the World’
Photo Courtesy of Tyler Driscoll, Flickr Creative Commons Former mayor of New York City Rudy Guiliani sparked a debate amongst politicians and all Americans with a comment he made about President Obama at a private event. Guiliani’s remarks, made at a New York fund-raising event for Gov. Scott Walker of […]