Tag: Protest

Chick-fil-A faces backlash for anti-LGBTQ+ support

Photo courtesy of Elvert Barnes, Flickr Chick-fil-A has been known for their association with Christian organizations that are historically anti-LGBTQ+. They faced serious backlash in 2012 for donating to various Christian charities, such as The Marriage and Family Council. At the time, Chick-fil-A released a public statement saying, "Going forward, […]

School walkout gives students a platform to protest

Photo courtesy of Lorie Shaull, Wikipedia Columbine high school, Columbine, Colorado: 15 dead, 24 injured. Sandy Hook Elementary, Newtown, Connecticut: 28 dead. San Bernardino, California: 14 dead, 22 injured. Orlando, Florida: 50 dead, 48 injured. Las Vegas, Nevada: 59 dead, 527 injured. Parkland, Florida: 17 dead, 14 injured. Again and […]

Protest on Campus Two Days After Trump Election

Photo by Hannah Reasoner Two days after the election of Donald Trump, students – disheartened by the results and apprehensive of the future – gathered at the Arch and rallied together to voice their support for members of the Ramapo community regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation or religion. “We […]

Kaepernick Causes National Anthem Controversy

Photo courtesy of FootballSchedule, Flickr San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s decision to sit during the national anthem has sparked a huge debate. Kaepernick said he felt that black people in the country are oppressed. “To me, this is bigger than football, and it would be selfish on my part […]